
Dakabin Academic Intervention and Response (DAIR)Programs


The Dakabin Academic Intervention and Response (DAIR) program, is an opportunity for students in years 7, 8 and 9 to engage with Tier 3 Academic Intervention that targets specific assessment literacy for the subjects English and Mathematics.
This intervention program runs during the Period 4 timings (1:30pm-2:40pm) on Friday's each term from weeks 3 – 9 (including week 10 in 11-week terms). Across the term, when identified by classroom teachers based on formative assessment task results, students will be required to attend compulsory DAIR Tier 3 Intervention, which will allow them to further develop and practice their skills, to enhance their academic success in Mathematics and English. 

This valuable academic Tier 3 intervention program provides an opportunity for students to be re-taught key assessment skills across the achievement standards relevant to current English or Mathematics curriculum assessment tasks. In these sessions, students are re-taught skills by relevant subject teachers in small groups and given an opportunity to demonstrate their updated learnings via completion of a small work task administered during DAIR. This task/evidence is then collected and graded against the assessment task marking guide and the outcomes from this are added to student overall academic result in the identified subject. The power and benefit of this, is that students who attend DAIR often see substantial movement in their learning outcomes and academic results in Mathematics and English, due to this intervention program, which then contributes to their overall success in learning and satisfaction with schooling.

Students are identified for DAIR invitation the week before the subject DAIR session is to take place. Students and parents/carers are then notified via Compass email on a weekly basis if the student is required to be at school during DAIR time – Period 4 Friday. DAIR Class Lists and assigned rooms are displayed on the library noticeboard for student perusal several days prior to DAIR occurring. Students can only be opted-out of attending DAIR sessions, by a parent/carer responding to this invite email and explaining their childs intended absence. All student attendance of DAIR sessions is recorded on the student's attendance record and parents/carers will receive an advisory via Compass, should their child not attend DAIR without prior parental explained absence.

In addition to compulsory programs, Dakabin State High School also offers an optional parent requested supervised study session for students in years 7-12 who may not be able to be adequately supervised at home during DAIR time (Friday's period 4). Supervised Study sessions occur all weeks of each term commencing in week 1 or each term. The school will send parents/carers a Supervised Study Attendance permission form each semester via email, to complete in order to nominate and approve for their child to attend supervised study each Friday during DAIR time, should they not be able to leave campus at 1pm on Fridays. Attendance for supervised study is also formally tracked and recorded and parents/carers are advised if their child is absent without explanation. Again, parental explanation of student absence via Compass is required for student absences during Supervised Study. Parents wishing to have their child removed from Supervised Study classes, once enrolled, must contact the school to advise and approve this process.

Students who are identified for compulsory DAIR Tier 3 programs are not required to fill in the Supervised Study permission form (unless they are also remaining at school every Friday for Supervised Study when not engaged in DAIR) as it is an expectation that they will be in attendance at DAIR when invited.​

​Dakabin SHS is proud to be able to offer these academic support programs to our students, to further support their learning outcomes and positive engagement with all aspects of their schooling. Parents are encouraged to make contact with the school during business hours via reception on 3491 5444, should they require any further information, clarity or assistance in regard to the DAIR program or Supervised Study.

Last reviewed 10 October 2024
Last updated 10 October 2024