At Dakabin State High School students in the senior phase have the opportunity to follow either a tertiary pathway or vocational pathway and choose their subjects accordingly to best prepare them for the direction they wish to take following the completion of their secondary education.
Regardless of pathway, all students are eligible for, and working towards, the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). Throughout the senior phase, students are monitored on their progress towards successful completion of the QCE, with any required intervention taking place at appropriate junctures.
The Senior Schooling department at Dakabin provides staff, students and parents with a wide range of information and services. We are responsible for overseeing many facets of education for senior students and act as a liaison between and contact point for organisations such as the Queensland Studies Authority, Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre, the Department of Education, Training and Employment, TAFE Queensland, Registered Training Organisations and industry representatives.
Senior School Staff
Dakabin State High School have a number of staff who are committed to ensuring each student is supported through their time at school. The following people are important for your student to know:
Deputy Principal Year 10 Mrs Julie-Anne Byster
Deputy Principal Year 11 Ms Rae Ellis
Deputy Principal Year 12 Mr Warren Papa
Head of Department Senior School Ms Megan Clark
Year 10 Coordinator Ms Melanie Clark
Year 11 Coordinator Mr Chris Merrick
Year 12 Coordinator Ms Dani Gribben
Guidance Officers Ms Charlotte Hall, Ms Jocelyn Pearce, Mr Ross Palmer